Hi all,
Pretty much have been flirting with the idea of buying or building a boat for a while now. And with various anchors in my life disappearing, it seems it would be a good time to get serious, rather than just vicariously dream about it. I suppose I will save the intro stuff for later and get to the point for this thread.
2) Some have mentioned the idea of cutting their own patterns/grids in foam using a CNC router. I am not 100% on how that would work yet, but
I did order up a Maslow. It is an open source vertical standing 4' by 8' 3 axis CNC router for about $550 USD, bringing it into the hobbiest level of affordability for those who might be interested. Mine should be delivered either late this month or early next. Getting part of my garage cleaned out in anticipation. http://www.maslowcnc.com/