Subject: Re: Summer visit?
From: Mike Crawford
Date: 9/5/2010, 8:23 PM
To: Gardner Pomper


  Summer is slowly winding to a close.  Do you still have plans to come
north for a visit?  If so, you're still welcome.  If not, perhaps next year.

  By the way, your conrarry idea is slowly growing on me.  Originally I
wanted to build a larger proa for cruising purposes, but now we might
get an Etap (unsinkable) monohull for that.

  If that happens, the proa can be a smaller daysailer-with-amenities,
and a 39.5' with two small doubles and a small head might be the ticket.
 Enough accommodations for guests who can't pee without a "proper"
bathroom, but fast and fun enough to take out for an afternoon in low
wind.  And if I went with the swing-wing rig (not suggesting that anyone
else do the same), I could work out a two-part mast without having to
worry about sail track or bearings, and get the sail area I'd be hoping for.

        - Mike

On 6/29/2010 12:46 PM, Gardner Pomper wrote:

I remember you saying that you live in Maine. We occassionally go
visit friends in NH over the summer, and I was wondering where in
Maine you are, and if it would be ok to drop in while we are up north.
We don't have anything specific planned yet, but I am considering

- Gardner