Subject: Re: extra sails for light airs why not a kite?
From: Mike Crawford
Date: 4/23/2009, 8:50 AM

<<My solution is just extra mast height. plus perhaps an outboard.>>

  I agree with Doug. 

  Let's say you've got enough mast height for 755 sf of easyrig sail on a 2600 pound Harry.  That would less rig height han Blind Date, perhaps 55' of the water, on a 1900 pound boat, allowing for 700 pounds of payload (two crew, motor, battery, fuel, water, safety gear).

  That yields an SA/D of almost 64, and a Bruce number of 2.0.  Not many boats are going to be at that level of sail area even with a screecher, and if they were, they wouldn't have nearly as much of that area high off the water where the wind will be on light days. 

  Even better, lots of this area will be in the shape of an airfoil high up, and thus useful for beating as well as reaching and running.  Depending upon your heading, you could even parlay this into additional speed on a broad reach, using the foil to provide leeward lift when taking the apparent wind into account.

  To play devil's advocate against myself, though, I can see why Gardner might want a shorter mast.  To me, if it's going to be trailered once or twice in a blue moon, I'd put up with the inconvenience.  But if you're going to try to tow the boat through towns, tow it often, or try to fit the mast into a container, the taller mast might be an issue.

  You could also argue that it's easier to roller-furl a screecher than to reef a main (unless you have a roller-furling main..). 

  However, I'm not sure how much of an issue that is for me personally because that headstay does get in the way of some of the easyrig benefits.  If I'm going to lazy sail on a light wind day, with some red wine and cheese (or seltzer and vegan sushi), it would be neat to either gybe or shunt while handling a single sheet.

       - Mike

Doug Haines wrote:

HI paul,
was sorting out space in the boat yard today , and am aiming for getting ready to tackle the tropics in the next wet season (Australia- summer), which will no doubt mean winds down around 5-10 knots some places/days. So the need to get extra sail area on sidecar is an important factor. i only have 2x8sqm = 16sqm, which is not enough.
My solution is just extra mast height. plus perhaps an outboard.
this is the best way i can improve boat speeds.
it will be costly but hopfully this is the last major overhaul and can take on the big challenge without breaking or wishing to change stuff.

ps weather doesn't look like a possible albany sail, so can't adad that to a story submission. what is the next deadline for the multihull world?