Subject: [harryproa] Current rudder design?
From: "gardnerpomper" <>
Date: 5/25/2008, 9:30 PM


Is there any information (sketch or drawing, preferably) of the
current rudder design? This is one of my areas of concern, and I would
like to see what the current thinking is. Specific questions are:

what are the dimensions of the rudders?

are they designed to lift in the rudder assembly for shoal draft
sailing, or do they tilt?

Do they need 360 degrees maneuverability, or just +/- 45 degrees from
the direction of motion? (i.e 335-45 degrees, and 135-225 degrees,
relative to the hulls)

I am specifically speaking of the charter proa, but I am curious if
the basic rudder design applies to pretty much any size harryproa.

- Gardner

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