I agree with all you've said. Another few advantages.
manoeveability under sail for picking up man overboard and crossing
bars, being able to place a sea anchor over the stern and let the stern
becomethe bow. Much more comfortable than having to put the sea anchor
over the bow. Double ender makes beaching and leaving much safer.
If over sailed downwind then the sheets can be eased fully and
the sails can easily be reefed, rather than contemplating rounding up
to feather and doubling apparrent wind
I reckon extra accommodation could be included in the Visionarry
by flaring the middle part of the ww side of the lw hull Don't think it
is compromising seaworthiness or windage but certainly increasing the
trailing width as it can no longer tuck under.
If the lw hull was rotated at the same time as pulled out then
less room is needed for the mast. That in essense is the Farrier
system. If the Farrier system is connected to a sleeve over the beams,
then the beams can be slid in after folding. If the struts are then
removed then there is very little increase in sailing weight.