The akas can be made perpendicular. But even if
they weren't it only needs the pivots to be parallel. The pivots do not
need to be perpendicular to the beams. The ends of the beams can sit on
a flat suface and be held down but better if they are in a notch. the
ends of the beams can be tapered to perpendicular to the hulls as they
would have to be for any system of sockets. James Shannahan's original
version of the folding sysstem was very elegant but the extra
complexity is a big expense apart from the weight. Also the bridge deck
comes either level or below the bottom of the beams. To get the boat to
trailering width the lw hull needs to tuck under the bridge deck,
preferably on its side. This could be done fairly easily with the
expandable trailer. My experience with putting very tall objects into
close tolerance holes has not been easy. It needs a gantry to lift the
masts from near to their pivot point from almost directly over the
hole. I suppose the mast could be raised on a pivot at the base, when
vertical remove the pivot and somehow make sure the whole thing doesn't
fall down.
Mike Crawford <> wrote: